June 4, 2024 | 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. | PWYC – Suggested Min. $15

Poster advertising kids art camp, from August 12th - 16th. Email ahmriandabby@gmail.com for more info

Participants will learn how to take their idea and image from paper onto fabric in this introductory embroidery workshop. They will gain the knowledge of simple hand embroidery stitches which can be used to embellish their desired image. This workshop is designed to teach the basic skills and encourage participants to finish their design at home. All supplies included.

This event is PWYC. All proceeds will go to the “Together in Thanks ARCH Fundraiser”, which “aims to raise funds for ARCH and its staff in their time of need as they navigate their unexpected closure. Funds will be given to ARCH for urgent needs including staff severance, additional closure fees, as well as provide resources for community members who are being affected by the closure, including supporting the Marley Yott Transgender Wellness Fund.” To learn more about this fundraiser or to donate directly, please visit the GoFundMe page.

Please RSVP to register. If you run into any issues registering for this workshop, please contact info@otherwisestudios.com. 

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If you you run into any issues with this registration form, please contact info@otherwisestudios.com